@Original Author: Dailyly
Daily update of news from around the world
#奇葩爆料 11.12 美国 警察出警 不小心击毙报警人#
美国,43 岁的布兰登报警,称他和 15 岁的女儿躲在浴室里,有人闯入了房子。 赶到的警察发现他正在与一名持刀女子扭打。 一名警察开枪打死了布兰登,但没有意识到他才是受害者。
Weird revelations 11.12 US police accidentally shot and killed the caller
In the US, 43-year-old Brandon called the police, saying that he and his 15-year-old daughter were hiding in the bathroom and someone broke into the house. The police who arrived found him struggling with a woman with a knife. A police officer shot and killed Brandon, but did not realize that he was the victim.