@Original Author: Dailyly
Daily update of news from around the world
#西安 汉城 足球 比赛 门将 出击将人铲飞 被铲人员进ICU高位截瘫?#
11月18日,西安 汉城 足球 比赛 门将 出击将人铲飞队友 辟谣 :颈椎无大碍 待进一步检查
#Xi’an Seoul Football Match Goalkeeper Goes Out and Shovels Someone Away, Shoveled Person Enters ICU and Suffers High Level Paraplegia?#
On November 18, Xi’an Seoul Football Match Goalkeeper Goes Out and Shovels Someone Away, Teammate Dispels Rumors: There is No Problem with the Cervical Spine, Further Examination Needed