韩国一男子因逃避兵役暴食增重获刑一年 朋友为其制定增重计划

韩国一男子因逃避兵役暴食增重获刑一年 朋友为其制定增重计划

@Original Author: Dailyly

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韩国一男子因逃避兵役暴食增重获刑一年  朋友为其制定增重计划

#韩国一男子因逃避兵役暴食增重获刑一年 朋友为其制定增重计划#
当地时间11月24日,据《韩国先驱报》(The Korea Herald)报道,一名26岁韩国男子因被发现故意增重以避免服兵役而被首尔东部地方法院判处有期徒刑1年,缓期2年执行。该男子行为违反韩国《兵役法》,该法规定,无正当理由逃避服兵役者最高可被判处三年有期徒刑。
#A South Korean man was sentenced to one year in prison for overeating to avoid military service. His friend made a weight gain plan for him#
On November 24, local time, according to The Korea Herald, a 26-year-old South Korean man was sentenced to one year in prison and suspended for two years by the Seoul Eastern District Court for being found to have deliberately gained weight to avoid military service. The man’s behavior violated the South Korean Military Service Act, which stipulates that those who evade military service without a legitimate reason may be sentenced to up to three years in prison.
According to reports, the defendant deliberately gained weight, doubled his food intake and drank a lot of water before the conscription physical examination. He followed a diet plan made by his friend, who encouraged him to gain weight and provided a specific weight gain plan. The defendant’s friend was sentenced to six months in prison and suspended for two years for aiding and abetting. The friend denied the charge, claiming that he never thought the defendant would do this.
According to reports, the 26-year-old South Korean man was rated as suitable for service level 2 in his initial physical examination in October 2017, which means he is eligible to participate in combat. But in the final medical examination in June 2023, his weight reached 102.3 kg and was rated as level 4. With a height of 169 cm, his body mass index (BMI) was 35.8, which was considered severe obesity. This allowed him to work from home while serving in a non-combat position in a government agency.

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