@Original Author: Dailyly
Daily update of news from around the world
#11.16日晚,济宁 新开 商场 万象汇 小女孩从四楼坠落 不幸离世#,
小女孩从四楼坠落 不幸离世根据现场知情者描述大体还原:小女孩10岁左右,父母没在身边,老人带着在商场玩,从老板恋上鱼门口,怀疑是倚靠电梯被卷住带下去,挣扎时踢坏了玻璃,头部朝下与玻璃一起坠落 小女孩 被送往附近医院抢救,但因伤势过重,最终不幸离世
#On the evening of November 16, a little girl fell from the fourth floor of the newly opened shopping mall MixC in Jining and died unfortunately#,
The little girl fell from the fourth floor and died unfortunately. According to the description of the people at the scene, the little girl was about 10 years old. Her parents were not around. The old man took her to play in the mall. She was suspected to be leaning against the elevator and was taken down. When she struggled, she kicked the glass and fell headfirst with the glass. The little girl was sent to a nearby hospital for rescue, but she died unfortunately due to her serious injuries.