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#辽宁男子为骗保金推妻子坠海 视频流出曝光#
11月27日,“辽宁男子为骗保金推妻子坠海”的消息引发关注。案件发生在2021年5月5日,大连开往烟台的轮船上。在大连开往烟台的轮船上,男子李某带着妻子李某环看风景,而在监控死角,妻子坠海身亡。看完监控后,民警起了疑心。整艘船有200多个摄像头,李某偏偏带妻子去了一个监控死角,被救生艇遮挡的地方。此外双方结婚,女方的亲属竟然不知道。据悉,李某44岁,是211名校毕业的高材生,此前一直未婚,在上海有自己的餐馆。李某环46岁已经有两段婚姻,带着两个孩子,在李某的餐馆做服务员。经过警方综合调查发现,李某系为骗取巨额保险金,若李某环乘坐交通工具时发生意外身亡,受益人李某最高可获1200余万赔偿金。警方表示李某债务缠身,总计负债上百万,案发前透支多张自己和妻子名下银行卡。2022年7月,大连中院判决李某犯故意杀人罪、保险诈骗罪数罪并罚,决定执行死刑。2023年12月辽宁高院驳回李某上诉,维持原判。 骗保
#Liaoning man pushes his wife into the sea to defraud insurance money, video leaked#
On November 27, the news that “Liaoning man pushes his wife into the sea to defraud insurance money” attracted attention. The case occurred on May 5, 2021, on a ship from Dalian to Yantai. On the ship from Dalian to Yantai, the man Li took his wife Li Huan to see the scenery, but in the blind spot of the surveillance, his wife fell into the sea and died. After watching the surveillance, the police became suspicious. There are more than 200 cameras on the whole ship, and Li took his wife to a blind spot of surveillance, blocked by the lifeboat. In addition, the two parties got married, and the woman’s relatives didn’t even know. It is reported that Li is 44 years old and is a top student who graduated from a 211 prestigious school. He has been unmarried before and has his own restaurant in Shanghai. Li Huan, 46, has been married twice and has two children. He works as a waiter in Li’s restaurant. After a comprehensive investigation by the police, it was found that Li was defrauding a huge amount of insurance money. If Li Huan died in an accident while riding a means of transportation, the beneficiary Li could receive up to more than 12 million yuan in compensation. The police said that Li was in debt, with a total debt of over one million yuan. Before the incident, he overdrew several bank cards in his and his wife’s names. In July 2022, the Dalian Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Li to death for intentional homicide and insurance fraud. In December 2023, the Liaoning High Court rejected Li’s appeal and upheld the original verdict. Insurance fraud